a space to deepen connection

to self and to the earth through

true nourishment

Back to nature.

I believe the natural state of all human beings is one of vibrancy, connectedness, and deep innate wisdom. The journey back to ourselves, back to our true human nature, doesn’t need to be complicated. Where it will always start and end is with the simple things: seasonal local food, time for stillness and turning inward, nourishing movement, relationship with sun and nature, and restorative sleep. What if all we had to do was less? Change begins with an openness to experience the physical, mental, and emotional shifts that true nourishment can bring.

Utilizing these foundational principles, Jordan builds a framework tailored to each individual’s unique biology and lifestyle, incorporating a delicate balance of intuition and science. Jordan’s approach is in pursuit of wholeness rather than “wellness,” and to help you reconnect to your unwavering inner knowing. It’s not about pushing harder and gripping tighter, controlling and manipulating and forcing. The grace and ease with which the earth moves through her seasons are the grace and ease our bodies yearn to move through theirs. The competitive, quantified-self, rigid approach to “wellness” that we see today is entirely antithetical to our body’s innate desires.

It can be so simple. Jordan is here to distill down the information and science most relevant to your life and current circumstances and help you integrate practices into your everyday life in a gentle, pleasure-filled way that allows you to truly tune in and understand your body. When we quiet the outside noise, when we sift through the static, we tap into true intuitive wisdom. With that comes the capacity to show up in your life, for yourself and others, as the most connected version of you.

Let’s get back to (human) nature, together.